Nozomi Ito


Nozomi Ito is the founder and CEO of TRIDENT Inc., which runs Magic Pod, the software test automation service for mobile and web application using machine learning technology such as deep learning.

He is enthusiastic about community activities and organizes Japan Selenium User Community and organized SeleniumConf Tokyo 2019.

He is also the author of Japanese books "Selenium Practical Introduction" and "System Test Automation Standard Guide", and has expertise in the test automation activity and the creation of the tool itself and the machine learning.

Recently, he began to give speeches at the global conference such as AppiumConf 2019, TCSE 2019.

Speaker's Sessions

State of Testingをベースとしたディスカッション (Discussion Based on State of Testing) 11:20 - 12:00
State of Testingは世界規模で行われている最大のテストの調査です。

The State of Testing (SoT) is the largest testing survey worldwide.
With about 1,000 participants from more than 80 countries, this survey aims to provide the most accurate information regarding the testing profession and the global testing community.
We'd like to discuss the above with Mr. Tatsumi, who is the translation leader of SoT, and one of the most distinguished test engineers in the Japanese test community; Mr. Ito, who is a leading expert in automated testing; Mr. Awasawa, who leads Travel QA; and Mr. Fujiwara, who is one of the translators for SoT.

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