Rakuten Technology Conference 2019@福岡支社のご紹介

やってまいりました楽天テクノロジーカンファレンス2019。 今年も福岡支社でのサテライト開催をいたします。

ラグビーW杯の試合開催で福岡の街はにぎわっていましたが、負けじとスタッフ一同ONE TEAMでイベントを盛り上げてまいります。
参加登録は下のリンク先からお願いいたします。 皆様にお会いできるのを楽しみにしております。


Rakuten Technology Conference 2019 Fukuoka


開催日2019/11/9 (土)
開催時間 10:30 スタート (10:00 受付開始)
場所福岡市博多区博多駅前2丁目2番1号 福岡センタービル 12F


Architecting business critical applications for continuous operation 10:35~11:20
In this digital age businesses are expected to be online and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will look at the considerations that go into designing and owning designing business critical applications for very high and even continuous availability.
Iain Sinclair 様 ,勝谷 北斗 様 (Google Japan Inc.)

Enterprise Java Trend is always changing - Jakarta EE and other topics 13:30~14:15 
Jakarta EE 8 launched in last Sept. It was a big milestone of Enterprise Java. But our circumstance looks different from the time of start discuss about Jakarta EE. He talk about how we can position Jakarta EE and other technologies like microservices, and about how Jakarta EE formulate and maintain in Eclipse Foundation.
伊藤 敬 様 (日本オラクル株式会社)

Jakarta EE + MicroProfile, and our activities / Realtime Streaming Platform at Rakuten Card 14:20~15:05 
Looking back to the history of enterprise systems and standard JEE, and focusing current movement with opened Jakarta EE and new MicroProfile. On that situation, we are going to disclose our proactive approaches against the new standards of JEE + MicroProfile. -How Rakuten Card has removed blockers such as data loss and downtime
-How we created a fault tolerant & failure proof hub using Apache Kafka
-Our strategy to manage the Platform and what we did to streamline the retrieval of application data
-How Rakuten continues to drive innovation in a traditionally conservative Japanese tech culture
Iwasaki Hirofumi , Shah Dhruval (Rakuten, Inc.)

Leading financial legacy systems into the future / Technical Debt 2.0 / Moving App to the Next Stage 15:10~15:55 
Technical debt is unavoidable, understanding how it grows, how it can be traced and how it can be reduced is critical for improvement of current applications or new developments. This session will explore the concepts of technical debt as well as approaches for technical debt management. / In this session, we are going to take a dive into Rakuten Card mobile application. Discuss technologies being used and how we are moving it to the next stage. Focusing on Kotlin for Android and MVVM.
Misaki Ville, Matus Fernando, Gomes Racy (Rakuten, Inc.)

マイクロサービス開発チームの変遷と挑戦 16:00~16:45
メルカリではマイクロサービス化を推進し、エンジニア主導でユーザーの課題を解決する「エンジニアドリブン」な組織を目指しています。 本セッションでは、メルカリ福岡が実践するマイクロサービス開発のプラクティスと、エンジニアドリブンになるための開発組織の取り組みについてお話します。

参加登録はこちら :

Rakuten Technology Conference 2019 Fukuoka


(文責 北原 芳悟)